Sunday, May 31, 2020

Goodnight Mister Tom Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Good Night Mister Tom

1.    Why was Lucy miserable?

2.  What word was used to describe how Willie put his pen in his desk? What does it tell us about how Willie feels?

3.  Why was the chapter named ‘New Beginnings’?

4.  How did Willie feel about moving classes? Explain your answer.

5.  Why did George feel the need to say, “She’s a girl”?

6.  Where do the children go for lunch?

7.  How does Willie feel when he gets back to Tom’s that evening? Explain your answer.

8.  What was Tom’s idea to burn off some of Willie’s energy?

9.  How does the chapter end on a negative note? Explain your answer.

10.  Circle all the adverbs used in the sentences below

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