Sunday, May 10, 2020

Chapter 11 Good Night Mister Tom

Answer the following questions in your books.
  1. Why is the tree described as half-naked?
  2. At the beginning of the chapter, Find and copy the phrase that shows Mister Tom does not want everyone to know what he is about to say.
  3. Why was Willie’s stomach growing tighter?
  4. Why is Zach’s jersey named the ‘joseph’ jersey?
  5. Why did Ginnie gasp when she heard about the Christmas show?
  6. Why is Carrie annoyed that girls are treated differently?
  7. Why is Willie alarmed that Zach is not a Christian?
  8. How does Zach feel about being shouldered out of the play because he is Jewish?
  9. Find and Copy the phrase that shows how Zach injects some fun into the meeting.
  10. Why was Willie asked to do all the illustrations for the newspaper?

Grammar – Remember to refer back to your grammar terms to support.

A) Tick to show how the underlined words are used in the sentences

B) Rewrite the sentences adding in a subordinate clause
1.    They agreed that Willie would draw the illustrations.
2.  He fell asleep in the chair.
3.  Zach persuaded them to visit the old cottage.

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