Monday, March 30, 2020

Doncaster Stories

Hi all,
Doncaster Literacy Trust are organising some great competitions over the lockdown period.  I think this would be a great opportunity for your child to develop their creative writing skills and their love of reading.  
Here is a link to their facebook page - please take a look!

This week the creative writing challenge is set at The Frenchgate Centre!  I could see some amazing creativity from this!  Please encourage your child to take part.  It is such a great opportunity for them.

Happy Writing!
Mrs Clark xx

Friday, March 27, 2020

Maths - Week Two

Hello Year 6,

We hope you are finding the revision guides useful and that they are supporting you with your learning. This week we are going to give you a problem to attempt each day in your Maths Books and then on Thursday we would like you to complete your reasoning assessment.

You don't need to print the sheets - just complete the answers and calculations in your books like we would in morning challenge. Draw out the problems to help just like we have practised in class.




Please complete your reasoning 2 paper, you need to give yourself 40 minutes for this and please ensure you have had some breakfast and a drink before you begin.


English - Week Two

Hello Year 6, 

We hope you have had an enjoyable week last week and were being as creative as possible. This week's focus for English is Grammar, remember to use your revision guide to help.

Monday: Re-write the passage using the correct punctuation.

it would take quite a few hours to cook, but martin was determined to complete the recipe when finally finished they realised that they could not all fit round the dining table after dinner the children were not persuaded to do the washing up unfortunately the familys dishwasher had broken and they had not been able to get it fixed. the repairs will not occur for another week martin stated

Spelling -  Unjumble the words to complete the sentences (try to guess the words first).

eintrtes, aurticrlpa

1. The dog showed           (8) in his new toy.

2. The jewels were precious; the diamond in              (10) was the best.

Tuesday: Underline the main clauses in each sentence.

1. It would take quite a few hours to cook, but Martin was determined to complete the recipe.
2. When finally finished, they realised that they could not all fit round the dining table.
3. After dinner, the children were not persuaded to do the washing up.
4. Unfortunately, the family’s dishwasher had broken and they had not been able to get it fixed.
5. The repairs will not occur for another week,” Martin stated.

Spelling -  Unjumble the words to complete the sentences (try to guess the words first).

aghutyn, uosprep

1. The          (7) kitten scampered up the curtains with his sharp claws.
2. The           (7) of the phone call was to speak to the police.

Wednesday: Identify the verbs in these sentences.

1. Last week I visited Colchester Zoo with my brother.
2. Bernard really didn’t want to go as he loves football and plays every Saturday.
3. We saw a weird looking monkey that came from an island called Zanzibar, found in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa.
4. Henry Tudor had some similar specimens residing in his private zoo in London.

Spelling - The words below are synonyms for the missing words.

games event, certain

1. There was a lot of c  __________ (11) between the two teams on sports day.
2. Helen’s d  _________(8) answer to the Maths question was 100.

Thursday: Identify the adjectives.

1. Even though it wasn’t nice outside, the stubborn dog still required walking.
2. Frank and Bernard’s long-haired friend always likes to walk around the park five times.
3. Because they didn’t want to get drenched, the two brothers wore their new dog-walking coats.
4. The coats, which they refused to buy unless they were a certain brand, weren’t cheap.
5. The dog’s coat (a shaggy mane) was a different story. 

Spelling - The words below are synonyms for the missing words.

answer, brilliant, Houses of London

1.Carl’s e   __     (11) of lateness for school was a bad excuse.
2. Old Grandpa Brian grew a     m _____ (10) giant onion in his garden.
3. The Houses of P   __________ (10) are historic buildings in London.

Friday: Complete the Grammar paper that has been provided in your pack. You need to give yourself 45 minutes for the test. Please have some breakfast and a drink before you begin.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

ICT: Online Safety

These are simple 15-minute activities you can do at home with your parents. 

Activity 1: Watch Play Like Share, Episode 1 

Find Play Like Share at 

Watch Episode 1: Block Him Right Good, Alfie with your child. 
Use the following questions to chat about the cartoon: 
1. What did you think? What did you like about Play Like Share?
2. What different things do Sam, Ellie and Alfie do online? 
3. What problem did Alfie face at the beginning of the cartoon?
4. How did the gamer make Alfie feel?
5. What did Alfie do when he realised something wasn’t right? 
6. What happened when Selfie’s video was made public? How did it make them feel? 

Activity 2: Design a poster for Selfie

Create a poster for Sam, Ellie and Alfie’s new band Selfie. 
Come up with a design that shows off each character’s talents and personality.   

- Mrs Rodgers and Mrs Roberts would love to see your work! If you like, Tweet it to @HillTop Academy.  

Artwork only please! Do not share your name or personal information, or any pictures of yourself! 


Thinkuknow is the online safety education programme from the National Crime Agency. Once a fortnight, On Tuesdays, they will produce an activity sheet to help you support your child while schools are partially closed. 

You’ll find lots of support and advice for parents and carers on keeping your child safe online at: 

Goodnight Mr Tom - Chapter 7

Choose One a day to complete: Answer one question and explain one of the characters.

Infer - Make and justify inferences using evidence from the text.

1. What evidence in the text showed that it was obvious that the twins were sulking on page 91?
2. How do you think Willie feels when asked about what he likes to do?
3. How do you think Willie felt when George claims that he is not good at drawing?
4. Why do the villagers, including Tom, think Zach is a little odd?
5. Why does George look disgruntled when asking if Willie wants to go blackberry picking?

Write some information that you have learned about each of the characters. Use the text to help you.

My Example:
George - Plays cricket and has smashed windows before. He likes fishing and his mum has cooked the fish he has caught on a few occasions. He likes swimming in the river. He is brother to Ginnie and Carrie and has always lived in the village.

Mr Tom

Daily Interactive activities

Hello Year 6,

Well its almost been one week into school closure and we can honestly say that we are missing you all very much. We hope that you are all staying safe, spending time with your family and having fun! Hopefully we will all be able to see each other sooner than we know but in the meantime here are some some activities you might enjoy:

Mrs Roberts and Mrs Rodgers

9am Mon – Fri - Jo Wicks Morning PE sessions 

Physical exercise to raise your heart rate. If you miss this you can watch the videos later on the YouTube channel.

9am - Mon – Fri - Jump Start Jonny

Fun interactive dance workout.
If you miss this you can watch the videos later on the YouTube channel.

11am – Mon - Fri - David Wailliams Story Time

10am – Mon - Fri - Dr Chip’s daily dose of Science, Engineering and Computing

Dr Chip has different activities for each day of the week. If you think you would be interested look ahead – to see what resources you will need. If you miss this you can watch the videos later on the YouTube channel

11am – Mon - Fri - Body Beats body percussion online lesson

Music – with no instrumnets!
If you miss this you can watch the videos later on the YouTube channel.

11am – Mon - Fri -  Let’s Go Live Science with Maddie Moate and Greg Foot

Talking about Science and Nature with a theme each week. If you miss this you can watch the videos later on the YouTube channel.

1pm – Mon - Fri - Natasha Lamb basics of British Sign Language

If you miss this you can watch the videos later on the YouTube channel.

All the Time - Edinburgh Zoo live streaming

Edinburgh Zoo have live cameras on the website running day – night.

All the Time - Art Ninja

Expert art animator who can get you creating.

Monday, March 23, 2020


Tweet your Maths answers for the day and share your learning with children around the world!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Topic Menu - North America

Each week, choose your own learning from each of the bullet points below or choose one of your own ideas. Please produce all pieces to the highest of standard and present in any way that you choose. Be as creative as possible.

· Show all the states in North America on a map
· Locate and explain a natural disaster that has happened in North America
· Create an information book on all the major sports played in North America
· Create an information book on songs made in North America or have America in their title.
· Cooperate with someone from home and present a 3 minute speech about a state in North America.
· Locate all the rain forests in one state in North America
· Find an American recipe, follow it and make an American dish
· Draw/ make a traditional costume for a person in America
· Write the instructions for and teach someone a game they play in America.
· Write a report on an American songwriter
· Explain the life cycle of an American animal
· Write a report about animals in America.
· Make a poster promoting an American state
· Make a model of a traditional American house
· Make and play an American instrument
· Create a dictionary and teach someone some American words.
· In a 3 minute speech, tell us about someone you admire who is from America
· How is America similar to England? Write a report comparing the two.
· Create a fact sheet about a state in North America
· Dress up in traditional costume, take a picture and describe what you are wearing
· How does American music compare to English music? Write a report
· Interview someone about life in an America state. Imagine that the person you interview has been there, so they might have to research first!
· Create a section on leaflet to show information about an American state.
· Identify and describe why some animals in America are endangered.
· Create and record a TV advertisement for tourism in America
· Compose your own song to do with America.
· Create a kite using colours associated with an American state.
· Create a scene showing an American scene
· Imagine you are going to visit an American state in 2050. Write/draw what you expect to find when you get there.
· Write or Perform an American song
· Create and run a debate about an issue in America.
· Write a biography on the life of a famous American person.

Science research questions

Each week, please choose one of the following questions: Investigate practically and using the internet to gather as much research as you can. Present as creatively as you would like.

Find as many light sources as you can and explain how they work.
Which are natural? Which are man-made?

What is the difference between the volume and pitch of a sound? 
How do sound waves travel? 

How is a polar bear is adapted to its environment?
Can it share its environment?

How can we avoid getting electrocuted?
What are volts?

Can you explain how a light bulb works?
What is the impact of electricity on the world today?

What may happen to a food chain if there was a sudden increase in the number of foxes born in an area?

How are shadows formed?

Week One - English

Hello Year 6,

This week for English we would like to concentrate on the reading focus of EXPLAIN. Please complete any English tasks set in your ideas book which has been sent home in your pack.

Re-read chapter 6 of your Goodnight Mr Tom book and complete the following tasks each day:


Write the definitions of the following words and find 3 synonyms for each.

1. exuberant
2. cold
3. mottled
4. inconspicuously
5. voluble 


Complete a character study of Zach, considering what impressions the author is trying to portray about him.

What kind of person is Zach?
Back up your point with evidence from the text.


Based on the text below, infer your thoughts on the character Zach.


Look at the picture and explain your thinking for the following 2 statements:

Choose: Which 3 items would you bring into the shelter with you?
Interpret: What conversations do you think they might be having?


Write a paragraph on the following statement:

If an evacuee joined our class, how would you feel about it? How would you behave towards them? Explain your thoughts.