Friday, March 20, 2020

Week One - English

Hello Year 6,

This week for English we would like to concentrate on the reading focus of EXPLAIN. Please complete any English tasks set in your ideas book which has been sent home in your pack.

Re-read chapter 6 of your Goodnight Mr Tom book and complete the following tasks each day:


Write the definitions of the following words and find 3 synonyms for each.

1. exuberant
2. cold
3. mottled
4. inconspicuously
5. voluble 


Complete a character study of Zach, considering what impressions the author is trying to portray about him.

What kind of person is Zach?
Back up your point with evidence from the text.


Based on the text below, infer your thoughts on the character Zach.


Look at the picture and explain your thinking for the following 2 statements:

Choose: Which 3 items would you bring into the shelter with you?
Interpret: What conversations do you think they might be having?


Write a paragraph on the following statement:

If an evacuee joined our class, how would you feel about it? How would you behave towards them? Explain your thoughts.

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