Friday, March 20, 2020

Topic Menu - North America

Each week, choose your own learning from each of the bullet points below or choose one of your own ideas. Please produce all pieces to the highest of standard and present in any way that you choose. Be as creative as possible.

· Show all the states in North America on a map
· Locate and explain a natural disaster that has happened in North America
· Create an information book on all the major sports played in North America
· Create an information book on songs made in North America or have America in their title.
· Cooperate with someone from home and present a 3 minute speech about a state in North America.
· Locate all the rain forests in one state in North America
· Find an American recipe, follow it and make an American dish
· Draw/ make a traditional costume for a person in America
· Write the instructions for and teach someone a game they play in America.
· Write a report on an American songwriter
· Explain the life cycle of an American animal
· Write a report about animals in America.
· Make a poster promoting an American state
· Make a model of a traditional American house
· Make and play an American instrument
· Create a dictionary and teach someone some American words.
· In a 3 minute speech, tell us about someone you admire who is from America
· How is America similar to England? Write a report comparing the two.
· Create a fact sheet about a state in North America
· Dress up in traditional costume, take a picture and describe what you are wearing
· How does American music compare to English music? Write a report
· Interview someone about life in an America state. Imagine that the person you interview has been there, so they might have to research first!
· Create a section on leaflet to show information about an American state.
· Identify and describe why some animals in America are endangered.
· Create and record a TV advertisement for tourism in America
· Compose your own song to do with America.
· Create a kite using colours associated with an American state.
· Create a scene showing an American scene
· Imagine you are going to visit an American state in 2050. Write/draw what you expect to find when you get there.
· Write or Perform an American song
· Create and run a debate about an issue in America.
· Write a biography on the life of a famous American person.

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